Planting at The Roads

In September, the project team at The Roads joined forces with neighbouring Catholic primary school Emmaus to complete the final stages of planting forming part of the project’s Canadian Creek restoration works.

Over 5000 native trees and shrubs including blackwood’s, banksias, wattles, gums and grasses have now been planted alongside the creek bed.

The planting designed by project consultant Thompson Hay Landscape Architects will assist with revegetation, existing bank treatment and active erosion treatment. 

Prior to planting the trees and shrubs, the children from Emmaus enjoyed a talk from The Roads project landscaper Chris Lafranchi of Amla Services about the importance of rehabilitation of the creek and future care of the trees (images below).

The planting is an example of Emmaus’ commitment to the Catholic social teaching principle ‘Care for our Common Home’. The children are now looking forward to watching the trees they planted grow over time.

Koala friendly project fencing has also been installed at The Roads assisting with safe koala movement and dispersal through back yards and residential areas. 

Images of the planting day taken by Ballarat photographer Matt Dunne.

The RoadsLaura van Dyk