Hygge living - Clare and Clementine at Crossman Row

Who lives here?

Clare, an English teacher at a local secondary school and Clementine, a very spoiled miniature groodle. Having grown up in Ballarat before heading to Melbourne to study, and spending various stints overseas, the thought of being closer to family, and the convenience of country living was appealing.

What initially attracted you to Soldiers Hill?

I knew I wanted to be close to town and Soldiers Hill has great character - there are lots of nice heritage houses around and the tree-lined streets only add to the appeal.

What do you love about Soldiers Hill?

I love the ‘local neighbourhood’ vibe - it’s pretty wholesome. Everyone says hello when you walk past. There’s also a second-hand book shop, a street library and a house on Lydiard Street which sells proteas from a wheelbarrow.

Most mornings I head to Common Ground for a coffee, and the pistachio croissants at Carbonis are a nice weekend treat.

All the neighbourhood dogs have gotten to know one another and they play together at the park. It’s been a good way to meet the neighbours - we now have a group chat to keep in touch. Sometimes we catch up at our local, the North Britain sans the dogs! 

How did you hear about Crossman Row?

From a friend who got me in touch with one of the Directors at Hygge. We caught up, went through the plans and I signed on!

What was it about Crossman Row that most appealed to you?

I liked that it was a small development, and the fact that it was architecturally designed. It felt a cut above the rest of the places I was looking at. The high-ceilings and floor-to-ceiling glass door out into the courtyard only added to this. Having spent time in Denmark, I also loved the modern scandi vibes.

As a first home buyer, buying new seemed to be the best option because I didn’t want to have to worry about anything going wrong or needing repairing. The builder Hayden Bromley was also a local, and he has a great reputation around town!

What do you enjoy about your new home?

It’s full of light. There are lots of windows and the north facing lounge is so nice. It keeps my plants happy too! As a local, I can appreciate the heritage buildings of the city: in the mornings I like to sit on the couch with a coffee and look across the chimneys and rooftops.

Mostly, I love that it’s mine!

Have you been able to get to know your fellow Crossman Row residents?

Yes. We are very lucky to have such a great group of neighbours. I think we’ve found the perfect balance of being friendly without being in one another’s pockets. We catch up every now and again for dinner and drinks and are planning a Christmas long lunch in the driveway.

Living in townhouses, I expected I’d see and hear the neighbours more but it’s very quiet in here - mind you, the dogs are still learning not to bark at each other! 

Describe your decorating style and what you’ve done to make this home your own

I like everything to have a home and hate clutter. I wouldn’t go as far as to describe my style as minimalist, but more ‘pared back.’

Downstairs, the walls and ceiling are white, so I’ve tried to add pops of pink and colour throughout. My friend Ruby Pilven is a local Ballarat ceramicist and I have lots of her work which I’ve collected over the years. Her vases house my indoor plants and fresh cut flowers which helps incorporate the green of the garden into the lounge.

Two of the artworks are by a local artist, Margie Delahunty Spencer, whose interest in colour and shape make pieces that really stand out on the large walls.

I have made a few investments, namely the couch, but I love it! And upstairs, all the linen is from Bed Threads - I’m convinced it’s the best money I’ve ever spent!

Photos by local Ballarat photographer Matt Dunne

Monica van Dyk