Feasibility, Affordability, and Liveability: Geelong Industry Lunch

The 2024 Geelong Industry Lunch, "Feasibility, Affordability, and Liveability" was hosted on April 18 by Urban Development Industry Association (UDIA) Victoria, the peak body representing Victoria’s urban development industry.

As Victoria’s second biggest city and one of the fastest growing in Australia, Geelong’s economic potential is described by the UDIA as pivotal for the state’s ongoing prosperity.

UDIA Victoria’s Geelong Chapter (Barwon Region) spoke about ensuring the region’s potential is harnessed, including the potential role of incentives for residents, businesses and industries in unlocking Geelong’s potential.

The critical role of targeted investment in the central city for Geelong’s ongoing liveability and productivity was also highlighted.

Image: Over 300 attendees attended the UDIA industry event held at The Pier, Geelong.

Keynote speaker Colin Keane, Director of Research4 - undertaking property research for the purpose of influencing and promoting industry and policy - provided insights into both the greenfield and infill land supply before joining the panel to discuss his data in greater detail.

In what promises to be an exciting decade ahead, a panel of industry leading experts in the fields of taxation, urban development and economics discussed Geelong’s potential for the next 10 years.

The panel included Nick Clements, Senior Principal Town Planner at Tract, Trudi Ray, CEO Haven Home Safe, Megan Rovers, Managing Director at Geelong Property Hub and Hygge’s Director Adam Davidson.

Adam spoke to his experience in the property industry including insights around the feasibility of sustainable residential brownfield projects, with discussion centred around viability and feasibility of development to deliver on strategic housing priorities.

Images: Attendees including James and Nicola from planning studio Niche and Adam and Senior Development Manager Jess from Hygge Property, and Adam speaking alongside panel members at the event.

UDIA Victoria’s regional chapters, including the Geelong Chapter (Barwon Region), are represented by committees made up of industry participants from the respective regions – ensuring local knowledge, expertise and insight.

At the event, the UDIA Victoria Geelong Chapter, Barwon Region released a document outlining strategic priorities for 2024 – 2025. Read more here.