Local news - Daylesford on top!

Daylesford is the toast of the Central Highlands football and netball communities, with the Daylesford Football Netball Club winning both the CHFL senior and CHNL A grade premierships for 2024.

A rare double, Daylesford is only the second club to take out football and netball top honours in the same season, following Springbank winning both senior flags in 2015.

Hygge Property have been a sponsor of the Daylesford A-grade netball team for the past two years.

In the netball, the Bulldogs staged a comeback after trailing by five goals in the final quarter, to take their very first A-grade premiership against local rival Hepburn 42-41.

Strengthening community is core to Hygge’s end goal of creating places where people love to live. As a small business creating a new neighbourhood in Daylesford, opportunities to support and empower people and groups to get involved is central to working in regional places.

Bring on season 2025!

Image: the A-grade team after the win - source The Ballarat Courier.

Hygge PropertyMonica van Dyk